Localization design overview
As part of the localization design team, I oversee and create the translation of titles into designs that reflect the original concept. Including everything from creation of titles, to their placement on artwork for the use on Disney+ streaming services across multiple languages and countries.
Title treatment design
The design process starts out by taking the approved translations and matching the design aesthetic from the original version to the localized title treatment (TT). These would either be created in house or with outside venders based on workflow and complication of design.
Title treatment feedback
When vendors create TTs, I provide feedback and examples of what edits are necessary. This could include minor notes like adjusting kerning, tracking, or color to completely redoing the TT. When a redesign is necessary, I research a typeface more suited to the design concept for the designer or create the TT myself.
Once the final version is created it is sent to a linguistic specialist to verify the design is legible to native speakers. Once reviewed, it would be labeled approved or small tweaks would be made.
Once the final version is created it is sent to a linguistic specialist to verify the design is legible to native speakers. Once reviewed, it would be labeled approved or small tweaks would be made.
Asset design
Once the TT is approved, it is placed on artwork. Some issues that could arrive from this could be a difference in line height, width, and amount of information as well as errors in the original files. From there I decide the visual hierarchy and how to best represent the translation in comparison to the original version. Occasionally this would lead to instructing designers to make changes to the artwork itself to accommodate the differences between the sizing of the original version and the translation.
Final design
The last step includes making sure all the languages are accounted for and all the assets created. They are then uploaded to an internal asset manager and placed on Disney+ streaming services for the respective languages and territories.